Seattle Public Schools


Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund

About the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund

Each year since 1974, 西雅图学校奖学金基金向正规的棋牌平台排行榜的毕业生颁发奖学金,并表彰那些克服重大生活挑战实现梦想的学生.


该奖学金的资金主要来自西雅图学校退休人员协会的年度捐款, as well as generous donations from community members.

Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund Receives $5 Million Gift

西雅图学校奖学金基金非常感谢已故的C. David Hughbanks, Ballard High School class of 1954.

Read more about this gift

2024 Scholarship Award Recipients

A large group of students gather for a photo in the Franklin auditorium
2024 Scholarship Awardees

The 50th anniversary award ceremony was held May 9, 2024.

See awardee names and their schools and photos from the evening!

Congratulations 2024 Seattle Schools Scholarship Awardees

Scholarship Awardee Disbursement Form

从西雅图学校奖学金基金获得奖学金的学生应该 fill out the Disbursement Form to have their scholarship award sent to their college, university, or technical school. Once the form is received, and the student’s award has been confirmed, 奖学金将直接寄往学生所在学校,用于支付学费和相关费用.

Eligibility Requirements



  • 在该奖项颁发的那一年,成为正规的棋牌平台排行榜高中的应届毕业生,
  • be a current resident of the Washington state, and
  • 已经表现出一定的学术成就和大学成功的潜力.

Selection Criteria


  • financial need
  • recognizable contribution to their school and/or the community
  • performance in academic pursuits
  • 考生已经克服了重大的生活挑战,获得了高中文凭.

Donation Forms and Fund Sources

Donate Online (Credit Card Convenience Fee Will Apply)

All gifts to the Scholarship Fund, regardless of the amount, are greatly appreciated. 100% of every donation is applied directly to the scholarships. 请放心,任何礼物,无论大小,都将支持有价值和值得的年轻人.

An annual contribution, currently $25,000, 来自西雅图学校退休人员协会(SSRA)的捐款多年来使该基金受益匪浅.

An annual gift of $10,为纪念莎伦·韦尔纳·洛伯格,特里西亚和理查德·泰勒家族筹集了5000万美元,支持雷尼尔海滩高中的学者们. 

An annual gift of $15,000 by Michael and Marie DeBell supports the scholars from Ballard High School, in honor of Chuck Chinn and Phil Brockman, former Ballard distinguished principals.


玛尼莎·波瓦尔和维尼思·马杜苏达南每年捐赠5000美元,以纪念马杜苏达南先生. B.B. Powar supports the scholar from Alan T. Sugiyama High School (at South Lake).

An annual gift of $5,由埃里克·本森为纪念内森·黑尔高中的长期教师和奖学金基金的受托人而设立, Elaine Wetterauer, supports the female scholar from Nathan Hale.

An annual gift of $5,Steve和Liann Sundquist以及Glenn和Molly Seaverns各捐赠了5000美元来支持两位来自Chief Sealth高中的学者, in honor of John Boyd, former Chief Sealth principal.

Donations have come from many sources including district employees and the community. Since the inception of the Scholarship Fund in 1974, 奖学金的数量和金额增加到51个,奖学金金额为5美元,000 each.

2017年的颁奖典礼表彰了2016年去世的前富兰克林高中教师、长期基金受托人菲尔·康克尔. 他为西雅图学生和奖学金基金的成功所付出的热情和不懈的努力将被深深怀念. His legacy lives on through a generous bequest to the Fund of nearly $200,000.

In 2004, Nora B. Adams, former teacher and principal in Seattle Public Schools, left a bequest of nearly $600,000 to the Seattle Schools Scholarship Fund. Nora B. Adams (1928-2004) was a teacher at  Sharples Jr. High and T. T. Minor Elementary and also served as principal at T. T. Minor, Bryant, Sacajawea, Dunlap, and Seward Elementary Schools.

In 1999 the fund increased by $11,000 when contributions in honor of long-time school board member, Ellen J. Roe were made upon her retirement.

1983年,警长唐纳德·斯蒂尔(Donald Steele)与乡村歌手塔米·怀内特(Tammy Wynette)录制了一张专辑. All proceeds ($90,000) from its sales were directed to the Scholarship Fund.

  • Michael DeBell (Chair) – Retired School Board Director, Seattle Public Schools; Parent of three SPS Graduates
  • Ronald Boy (Vice-chair) – Attorney; Former Executive Director Labor Negotiations, Seattle Public Schools
  • Leslie Harris (Vice-Chair) – Retired School Board Director, Seattle Public Schools
  • Eric Benson – Retired Principal, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle Public Schools
  • Linda Ellingboe -前PTA和PTSA主席,正规的棋牌平台排行榜四代毕业生和学生
  • Ann Ouillette Fitzmaurice – Retired Elementary librarian and teacher, Lake Washington School District
  • Lynn Frances Guthrie – Former Tutor Seattle Public Schools Powerful Readers; owner/tutor READ WRITE LEARN
  • Kathy Ouillette Madden – Retired Elementary teacher, Manson and Issaquah School Districts
  • Myrna Bigno Muto – Retired Teacher, School Counselor, and Career Technical Education Specialist, Seattle Public Schools
  • Kathie Pham – Seattle Colleges, Office of Advancement, Scholarship Manager; Former Seattle Schools Employee 2013-2019; Ballard High School Graduate
  • Dietrich A.C. Schmitz – Parent of two Seattle Public Schools High School Scholars
  • Clara Scott – Retired Principal, TOPS K-8, Seattle Public Schools
  • Paulette Q. Thompson -华盛顿大学学术顾问(少数民族事务和多样性办公室), College Access Unit); Former Teacher, Seattle Public Schools; Roosevelt High School Graduate
  • Eleanor Toews – Retired Archivist, Seattle Public Schools; Parent of two Garfield Graduates

Seattle Public Schools Consultants

  • Bev Redmond (Public Affairs and Chief of Staff)
  • Julia Warth (Board Office)
  • Valerie Koo (Board Office)
  • Karen Hardy (Financial)
  • Meaghan Kahlo (Archivist/Website Manager)

Seattle Scholarship Fund Recognition Wall Plaque

Recognition Wall

The Seattle Scholarship Fund Recognition Wall listing Tributes, 在约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心的公共大厅可以找到纪念馆和捐赠品. 

Currently, 捐款$500或以上,并注明获奖人/机构名称,奖学基金表彰墙上的下一个可用位置将会显示有关人士/机构的名称.

这将导致保管委员会的一封信,宣布捐赠给被纪念的人的家庭或获奖者. (这就是为什么在捐款公告中注明地址很重要.)它也会产生一封由保管委员会寄给捐献人的收据信. 



西雅图学校奖学金基金成立于1974年,旨在为正规的棋牌平台排行榜有资格的毕业生提供第一年大学相关费用的经济援助. 该基金的主要目标是奖励那些克服重大生活挑战获得高中文凭的学生,这些学生通常可能不会被考虑获得高等教育奖学金.These non-renewable awards of $5,000名学生分别来自正规的棋牌平台排行榜的传统高中和另类高中,他们反映了学区内不同种族的人口. Awards are disbursed directly to the institution.